
Nothing is permanent in life.
The sooner we accept it, the more we will be at peace.
People we meet, relationships we make, and jobs we are part of all change with time.

Is our health, life, or attraction over some worldly asset or beauty permanent? Ask yourself. We age, our body rots, and beauty fades.

The only thing we have is our thoughts. It can make and break us.


I am 60 pages through the war of art book, and the author speaks of “Resistance” in it. The more I read and think, I feel it’s our every-minute struggle with the monkey mind. We are lazy. We dislike change, and we prefer quick wins in life.

Resistance is nothing but the vice that is a blocker in our progress at work or personal life. We find it everywhere: hiding in taking life-altering decisions to put a strict timeline and finishing things.

We become resistant by default and halt our progress. We start crafting, finding reasons to become a slave to it. We complain, cry, blame do everything instead of fighting it.


Some of us are walking list of complaints. They have problems with everything. It’s like a man with hammer syndrome, but hammer being “complain.”

This kind of person will suck your brain and blood. They will always be in fight mode. I feel empathetic to them and the people who live with them, their families, and their peers. It is not easy to live with a hot furnace or people finding faults.

We understand this world is not a utopia. It gives us more reason to fix it. How will we fix ourselves if all we are busy with is complaining instead of looking within, accepting our vulnerability, and taking help?

Are our ego and unhealthy self above everything else for us?


Determination to do something or making up a mind to take steps is like a superpower. Many of us don’t start because of the fear of failure.

Once you are determined, you know what you don’t need. In these scenarios, you end up crafting your path and journey. You are beyond the status quo or copying someone else’s path.

This results in experimenting, failing, and learning. On top of all, you are the master of your ship and well aware of the consequences.


Relationships require trust and mutual respect. We are all unique souls working together and making the journey sail through. It is not some transaction.

The modern world has made relationships like swag or some tag attached to ourselves. As a result, the overall reason for the relationship has changed. It has gone all society and social media-centric instead the joy of togetherness.

We don’t have to be in a relationship or drag it to avoid the sunk cost. We are dying every moment. Our mental and physical well-being should take precedence.


I finished reading Matt Haig’s book reasons to stay alive. In the book, the author talks about his journey in battling depression.

On page 173, he summarizes: Depression is as

An internal war.
A black hole
An invisible fire
A pressure cooker
A devil inside
A prison
An absence
A malicious code in the operating system of your mind
A parallel universe
An echo chamber
Dark hopeless & lonely

I have been around people fighting depression off late and my journey in my late 20s. I could resonate well with the author’s take.


Avoid unhappy people who will find reasons for displeasure out of everything.
You will get sucked into them and their displeasure so much that you will forget living a life.
It will end up like living inside a well with all miseries.

I am unsure if it is a disease, upbringing, or lack of confidence to blame for it.
But in the net sum, it will be painful being around.

Our life is a mixed bag, and it gives us a reason for worth living.
But this does not mean that everything is shit. We see the world in a glass-half-empty state.

Can you help an unhappy person? I don’t know.


Impossible or I-m-possible. It is a way of seeing the world or any problem around us. Life is not easy for us all. I understand it. But does this mean giving up? Is asking for sympathy or help?

Our limited life is a gift, and we should strive to make it worthwhile more for society than ourselves. If we give up and accept losing, how will we live?

Giving up is easy. Staying alive is tough. Crying is easy, and laughing is hard. Once we realize this and start living, we attain the unthinkable and make the impossible possible.


Doubt is like a disease.
Once you have it, you have a limited cure for it.
You can doubt yourself and your capabilities.
And die in pain and misery for everything you failed to achieve.

If you doubt your partner, your relationship is a shrinking ship.
They will do whatever to persuade and bring trust, but it will fail.
Two of you will end up living like aliens under the same roof.

Doubts are a manifestation of our brain. It gets triggered because of our inferiority complex.


How many followers do you have on your social media networks? You are an influencer and thought leader. But how does it matter?

How many of your social followers will come behind you in the worst of your phase? Everyone celebrates your success and wants to own a piece of it. A few stay with you till eternity without any expectations. You can count them on your fingers.

Your seeking friendship, relationship, and long-lasting connection: what matters to you: Fans, worshipers, or followers in an alien world? This virtual circle around you is temporary. Is this what you want?

When you connect with someone, does it matter who they are or what they offer you? Is it a connection or a selfish interaction?

We die alone, carry no wealth, and settle down in the soil. What matters is a deep connection beyond our pedigree and wealth.