I just returned from my hometown, a small district on the border of Nepal named Sitamarhi. The nearest airport for us was Patna, 85-90 km and, in past, it would take 5-6 hours to reach to Patna airport. The roads were unmaintained and, it had more potholes than roads. During monsoons, we had to be at the mercy of boatmen. They would demand as much they liked for crossing sides and at times let you sink with you and motorbike in the middle of a river.
Electricity was like monsoon flashes of lightning for us. Most of us grew up reading in the kerosene lamps and, in later years, there were generator mafia’s charging per point that can be a light bulb or fan. To my disbelief, there was a minuscule power-cut. Once in the last seven days for less than half an hour.
I heard stories firsthand about how an alcohol ban and a small initiative like giving a bicycle to a girl child has transformed things. Any many instances, a sister would carry their young brother as well to school in a pillion. Some of those girls are full-time government employees, teachers, because of this little initiative. On the way, I saw dozens of girls in clusters going to school, and I felt so good. The cynic me would say, why not build proper school neat the house, so no need to cycle that far.
This time I took my flight from the newly built Darbhanga airport. It reduced my trip time significantly. It was a small outing for my parents instead of tired, the mad rush for catching the flight. I saw happiness, hope, and energy in co-passengers, and many of them traveling for the first time, returning to work in Bangalore, paid by their managers. It was like a newborn’s joy in seeing the light or eating sweets for the first time.
It is easy to be a critique of the system, government, and society. This world is a fucked up place, and it gives us more reason to work ass off and make it better. Being an armchair expert or keyboard worrier on social media is the easiest thing one can do. The hard thing is doing a bit from our side and fixing things in our control.
As a country, each one has its challenges, and the overall world is working towards getting better.
We all have strong opinions, likes, and dislikes.
It boils down to :
Desh to wahi hai bus siyasatdaar badalte rahte hai, unke saath mahul aur unke numindee.