
With age, another realization has hit me: people around you play a bigger role in your well-being. Imagine working with a hyper-political or toxic team. Your most time will get into saving your butt. The peace of mind will not have a place. You will be under constant anxiety, worry, and stress. It will affect you all the way. You will bring the same home and your family will join the suffering.

We are living under the influence of consumer and social media. We start splurging beyond our meets and suffer daily drudgery for salary.


As I grew old, I stopped complaining to others. As a result, life is less painful. I am no longer acting as a victim or blaming others for my failures. The sooner we take ownership of our life, the journey becomes easier.

I am seeing educated folks of all ages torturing themselves and the people around them. The environment they carry around brings fear, anger, and pessimism. Their loved ones are threatened. What is the point of living as an animal in a human’s corpse?

product 101

Building a product is not rocket science. It needs to eliminate customers’ pain points. I build software for the venture capital industry. Time and again, learning comes down to 4 things.

  1. Customer incentive: You can’t sell a motorcycle to someone who is happy riding his bullock cart. Knowing what will give enough ROI for a particular customer will define whether your product is buy-worthy or not. Every customer has a persona.
  2. Customer hooks: What does it take your user to come back again and again to your platform?
  3. Automation: Making repeated tasks automated.
  4. Simple interface: People don’t like to spend much time figuring out things, so a simple UX and clean UI help. 

I am myself learning, aiming to implement all the four above learnings.


You must avoid interacting with people who come to you with a vengeance. They are troubled by their failures, sadness, or pain. We should empathize with them but not entertain them.

The reason for not entertaining them is simple. They are mentally unstable. They are in delusion because of their pain. Even though they don’t mean anything bad on the face, the brain will bring back the vengeance, and anger will turn them into monsters.

All they can talk about is their greatness. It is well-researched when someone is not in the right senses. All they have is a delusion.


Whatever you are up to in life, knowing the reason will help you with your attainment. Your reasons can become the guiding star making you walk the path. If you are farsighted, you will have your reasons for it.

Our life is a collection of moments and having reasons keeps us aware and positive in our journey. Time and again we get lost, delve into multiple paths, and forget our reasons to live and thrive.


You are hiring people who are responsible first. When someone owns a task, they will go to any length to complete it with perfection. It is easy to hire people with experience or 10X on their resume when you are short-term result-oriented focus.

When you are aspiring to build a legacy while keeping the culture intact at any scale, what matters above all is responsibility.


Building a website or product and calling yourself is easy. The difficult part is creating a sustainable and profitable business. The journey is unknown and full of failure and rejection. The most important requirement is having a mentally stable co-founder.

We humans are usually empathetic and virtuas. We are civilized and nice overall. This idea of building a startup is not for the faith-hearted or the shortsighted ones. In most cases, there is no success or it is after a decade-long building. Find someone who thinks and vibes with you and most importantly, is “stable as you are”.


Our belief is our core virtue. It guides how we see the world, take action, and strive for the moon. Most brilliant technology started with a belief.

We live in a world where pessimism has taken over everything. Sales happen by scaring you or making you vulnerable. You have to keep your head strong to sail through.

Ultimately, keep a deep belief in yourself, your vision, and your goal to excel long term.


The world forgives your evil deeds if you win. I was watching Trump take the oath when I realized this. When he was not in power, he was nothing.

He won the election: the media is on his lap, the Silicon Valley and the outside world. All his sins and butt joke disappeared.

We don’t know what more surprises we have in store. In short, he is a winner and has changed his fortune.


The airport is a theater in itself. If you closely observe faces, you will find the story in each one. Some are flying for vacation, some for work, and others for many reasons. One thing is common to all: everyone is in a rush at all times.

Airports have a history in themselves as well. Sometimes, you walk away with remorse/fight or call it a quit, and many others in a cheerful moment, to meet the love of your life or to save your falling business.

The faces, expressions, and emotions run all-time high. I have witnessed many of these emotions in myself.