
Some of us die with our burning desire within. We never give wings to our desires. As a result, as we grow old, we turn bitter, and the success of others gives us anxiety. I know friends who once got drunk and listed things they missed achieving.

Our life is about living now, not keeping things for the future. Our life is not about predicting the future. It is about living now. Our mind should focus on taking prediction trash out and future planning checklists.

Our desire has to come out now for it to be a reality.


A B2B product development journey is different than the rest. It requires a lot of customer interviews and feedback. It takes a longer sales cycle, a custom solution. The PMF takes ages. It requires a lot of patience.

In the early days, customer segmentation on revenue takes a back seat. We focus on early users. But as the customer grows, this becomes painful. As a team, put product development feedback and priority in place. Build to be paid and used by multiple users.

Otherwise, the product will end up making many zombie modules to be used by a limited few users affecting the company’s profit.


It’s been over over 7-8 months here in Dubai. I find this country extended an arm of India. It could be the Indian population, food, or culture. I like many things about here. I am amazed at the hard work that would have gone into planning the infrastructure, growing, and managing this country.

At the same time, I wonder why Dubai is a tourist destination for many in India. Why would one living in nature come for a vacation to the concrete jungle?

I introspect and realize that my perspective is flawed. appears. We are unique, and how we see the world. Our sense of joy differs. Someone likes clicking pictures at the marina or Burj Khalifa, but you don’t. It does not mean they are wrong.


There will always be a few people tarnishing your reputation when you become successful. They will go to any length to attack your integrity or harm your personal life. In most instances, they will do this anonymously. You don’t have to worry about them. You have to continue giving your best in life and relationships. You have to leave the rest for the god above.


Our life is limited. We are dying every second. So are our loved ones. We are living in a connected world. As a result, we get hooked on it. We forget to give attention to our loved ones, ailing parents, or our growing children, and on breakfast tables or planned date nights. We are more focused on our phones rather than our partners.

The sooner we realize that we don’t need over-communication and that the mobile phone is a proactive communication aid, we will continue missing the small joys of life.


As the company progresses, so are the challenges. The small team all of a sudden ends up with a bigger one. What developers were building with a V1, ship it quickly needs to change to MSP, aka minimum sellable product.

The journey and shape of the company change as it progresses in the journey. The process gets center stage. It is no longer a developer’s playground with technology and feature development. We have to account for technical debt and business continuity.

Most startups die because of payable users. These are the ones in the very early stages of their journey. They get all the jazz, investor interest, marketing, and PR. Where they miss out on is finding payable customers.

At the same, the ones who survive longer realize the need for process and siloed teams to keep revenue flowing, and the company continues building suits of products. The gear and priority must change from V1 development to a minimal sellable product.


Seneca, the stoic philosopher, speaks at length about anger. He was poisoned and sentenced to death by the angry emporer Nero, whose anger is well documented. He burnt Rome and laughed.

When we are angry, it is easy to say anything. We don’t realize how the other side will take it. Our loved ones, parents, sons, or wives might take it and will be understanding. The same applied to our dear friends.

But the world outside is crazy. Everyone is living with challenges. And very few have time for empathy. We with our anger are adding fuel to the fire. We are affecting everyone around us.


Many of us resort to a life of logic because we feel alone and isolated. At this juncture, we prefer becoming a robotic system. There is no one to listen to or take care of us. We feel alone. This self-induced negativity and cravings make us more bitter. We end up creating our little world with self-induced thoughts.

This world is a beautiful place. The humanity exists because of empathy, love, and emotions. We train machines and robots on logic.


Imagine getting old with the better half till late 70’s. She is your operating system and driving the minutest decision of your life. One day she passed away due to a heart attack. Your world will come crashing, you are suddenly back to starting your life from scratch and getting familiar with everyday struggle of life. Your siblings are long gone, your offsprings are fighting their own everyday battle. How much will you miss your other half, the moments of laughter, joy, pain and sharing secrets? Or most importantly their cuddle?