I keep hearing what it takes to run a startup. Reading the success of oldies like Walmart, Berkshire Hathaway and, a dozen others makes me realize: there is no secret sauce. There was a problem to be solved and, the founders worked hard to solve it. They were opinionated, visionary. Nobody asked for a car from Henry Ford; nobody asked for an electric bulb from Edison. And everyone made fun of Wrights’ brothers’ crazy dream of flying like a bird. Japan emerged into an Industrial hub after the war. It was perseverance and hard work that played along with government policies.
I always remember AB‘s advice a few years back: Companies die when founders give up also Jeff Bezos’s famous quote: it is always day zero.
The world of startups we are living in now celebrates fundraising and building in public. A very few know what goes behind the social network.
I was going through these tweets and, it made me write today’s post.