
How much of our suffering is the byproduct of our attachment and ego? We suffer from bodily and mental ailments, some of which come as a defect by birth, and we can not do much about it.

But what about the ego and anger; does it not make us worst and hamper ourselves. Does it not infuse rage and increase blood pressure causing many ailments? We despise the success of others and become miserable over the luck of others.

We get attached to living beings or materials and get into melancholy when they are not with us. Money, wealth, or companionship: all of it is temporary. We have no control over it. Still, like a headless chicken, we run around making it work our way.

We are the sum of our thoughts. Our world is in our consciousness. Everything else should be secondary and whatever we get is a reward. The never-ending race of possession is making us animals.