
Our inner peace requires more solitude, less chattiness or externalities. We can have all the wealth of the world, and still, we will be broken from the inside. We can be the best actor or scientist winning numerous awards, but still feel lost. All of this is because we are not satisfied or at peace with ourselves.

This world we are living in is for us alone, our thoughts and actions leave a mark on us more than others. All these quests of getting rich, becoming famous, or winning for others will leave us more miserable.

Do we even know what we are running for? Do we even know what we are running away from? Do we know where will this run stop? Do we know if it ever stops?

The peace comes from acceptance and acknowledging adversities and knowing that we are tiny little creatures in this bigger scheme of things aka the universe. In the end, we all die and most importantly no one gives a shit. We will be forgotten even after everything we are desiring to accomplish in this single life.

We have to live now, making the world around us livable. We have to be at peace within ourselves.