
As a founder building a company, one of the most important things I have learned is “what I don’t want.” We spent thousands of hours meeting individuals who were never our customers. It was more for persona mapping.

There are times when you will feel like giving up. There are days when you would feel others have been more kinder. The sooner you realize you are on this journey for yourself, these things will not matter.

There are no written templates. There are no written charters to follow if you are building a startup. It is about you, your hard work, approach, and conviction.

The sooner you will realize this, you will develop a bullshit meter. It will make you more humble and leave ample time to focus on the most important things.

Your time as a founder is limited. You decide which award function to attend, which customer demos to take, or which potential customer to talk to on the phone. You can do what you want if it solves your time management. Many will call you arrogant, an asshole, it should not matter.

Your responsibility is to grow your organization, make your stakeholders rich and, the team feel privileged and powerful with your company.