We all go through a rough patch in our life. The time when we feel the world has transpired against us, nothing we do bear success. We have witnessed this with our favorite team or the batsman. Some say it is our luck to blame while others that time is not in our favor. I …
Author Archives: Atul
January I visited Blossoms, an old book store in Bangalore. I picked this 2nd handbook title: positioning, I enjoyed reading it. Simple take away from the book: It is customer perception that defines the success of your product. What you perceive about your product has to match with your customers. The book cites dozen-odd examples …
Should we measure our life in terms of relationship, contribution to the world? We get evaluated at work or in seeking education. What about our life? What are the metrics one has to measure the meaningfulness of their life? Is it the number of friends we make, how we treat our siblings, parents? Is it …
Leaders are also a human-like me and you. They are no gods and they are prone to committing mistakes as well. Accepting a mistake and fixing it gets them more loved by their peers. In the end, an organization is a collection of many humans with unique persona and ways of seeing the world.
It is difficult to stay focused in this noisy world. Everyone has got advice for others. In building a product what matters most is your customers, who have got pain. Focusing on such a tribe is the only way to succeed. Everything else is noise. I remember my Hindi teacher repeating proverb: Elephant walk on …
What makes us see things in the negative? Is it our life long conditioning or lizard brain? We give up easily and losing is the default assumption. How will we win without a positive mindset? What would have happened to Cars, if Ford had followed on buddy owners? What would have been to the society …
memory lane
Someday I get lost in the past. Papa shared a picture of mine with my grandma, I would have been 5-6 years old I am assuming. I have been thinking about my grandma, my village and the summer holidays. I am not sure about others but I am lucky that a good part of my …
Are we not painting our life every day with our unique paintbrush of thoughts, actions, and creativity? We will fill our unique colors of joy, learning, and relationships with the paintbrush. How can it be similar to the others?
It is good to be lost. We have more opportunities to think, introspect and question ourselves and the decisions we have taken so far in our life. Being lost is not a bad thing as we fire up more of our neurons and get in the zone of pushing more for seeking uncomfortable questions. Most …
We are all vulnerable. So with our identity and others with reaching somewhere. Being vulnerable can be a burden and burns lots of our neurons. We start self-doubting, questioning everything happening to us which can be good or bad. We should ask ourselves why situations or conditions make us vulnerable. What can we do to …