We don’t have to worry about being judged.We are not living in an ideal world.We can not satisfy everyone. We have to focus on our progress, getting better every single day. We are not hurting others or being mean to the rest.What is there to worry about? How does it matter what others think about …
Author Archives: Atul
We are living in a creator economy.Everyone is an influencer and creator in itself.You don’t have to be a rich kid from the metro to sell education on Youtube or lipstick on Instagram.The flip side is the rise of pseudoscience and fake influencer marketing. We are swimming between numerous content without quality checks and authenticity. …
Twitter is full of VCs advising how founders should conserve cash or keep a healthy runway and whatnot. Some are talking about growth with sustainable burn (not sure “WTF” it is?) Firings and layoffs are all over the media.A few founders even spoke about investors who are arm twisting them and re-negotiating on term sheets.In …
Many people I know have stayed alone, built things, and enjoyed the solitude. It goes against our societal definition of having company. We are all different and live by our likings. Some like socializing, and some don’t. Some enjoy their solitude while others company of friends. Our living should be what makes us comfortable.
We all have some triggers due to our past experiences. It can make us vulnerable or wise. Our current actions are a result of our past experiences. Be very wise when you are behaving or responding to a scenario. It should not be because of triggers but rationality. Knowing about our triggers can keep us …
We are living in a divided world. We have divided: be it caste, religion, ethnicity, etc. At the same time, we call ourselves free and take the liberty to hurt others. We should draw a line that ensures we are free and at the same time not hurting others? What is freedom essentially if there …
What are the ingredients of a relationship? I would say respect, trust, and mutual understanding. But is it sufficient? We are living in a utopia where we look for the best fit. We are all selling and picking for ourselves. Capitalistic society and relationships are no different.Gone are the days when Sudama and Krishna’s friendship …
Running a business or building a relationship has some basic rules: one being trust and another belief that we are in a win-win zone. At the same time, going against the odds or taking the road less traveled has its own advantage and disadvantage. We are on ourselves and responsible for our actions. How many …
sunk cost
Sunk Cost is an evil vice. It makes us stick to our default like a frog in a well. As a founder or consumers, we are equally vulnerable to it. We need to open our eyes and see all the options with an open mind for a win-win solution. Sunk Cost throws us into a …
We see dreams with closed eyes. Our dream helps us with an urge to go miles ahead and make it come true. Some of it can come true, but most of it never will. But should we stop dreaming?