As early-stage startup founders, we are always like David’s in the battle with many Goliaths. A laughing stock, underdog, and with few believers. A very few crazy heads, after all, side with the ship sailing against the tide. Founders have a huge responsibility to go after existing players, win trust from engineers, customers, and everyone around …
Author Archives: Atul
Why do some people move away without proper closure, be it in a job or relationship? Is it to keep their high moral ground or avoid sulking? Are they too scared to accept the reality? With the limited time allocated to us, how are they doing justice to their counterparts? Every relationship has multiple actors …
Principle by Ray Dalio talks about keeping a set of algorithms, mental models, or life principles. The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin with a daily checklist of vice and virtues. It has added some clarity to my life and, life is less miserable. All I am trying to do is to stay sane. Life is limited …
The grooming industry is hitting an all-time high, with companies going public and creating buzz. Going by some friends, a good chunk of money they spend on beautifying themselves. We are how we project outwards to the world. Fake it till you make it is the sales and leadership jargon thrown every day. We have …
There are testing times in our lives and, solutions come down to staying sane and holding together the originality. Will it be good or virtuous to become someone you are not because a doctrine, pact, or relationship requires you to be? How can you give the best of yourself after the transformation? It is easy …
We chase perfection. Be it profession, possession, or relationships. This quest ends up being a curse or some burden. The definition of perfection is governed by society or someone else and, we are chasing it. The more we fail towards achieving it, the more distracted from reality. Humans are animals and, the hyper-competitive world is …
Thanks to Capitalism and society’s modern outlook. Our priorities have changed swiftly. It is all about acing in a career at any cost. The best job, best professional achievement. But at what cost? Leaving personal life, family around? Why can we not have both together? We peak at our professional prime and, personnel life gets …
Are we humans or monsters? I don’t know. But most of us are living with an anger balloon. We carry our supreme ego. We want to be the best and correct with everything. A waiter is treated like trash for his mistake. A cab driver gets treated like a robot. We have taken our gardener …
We aspire to seek clarity in life, work, relationships, in short, every sphere of our life. But is there an end to it? How are we seeking clarity? By taking the least traveled path or society’s playbook? Are we all not individually different? Why do we have to get into the same treadmill where actions …
Arthur Schopenhauer reminds me of a philosopher who was super pessimistic about the society around him. I am not judging on his life’s philosophy. Leaving the external world around him must have taken a lot of courage and living in solitude with his poodle named Atman. Schopenhauer read, translated, and was influenced by Bhagwad Gita. …