Machine thore hai jo button dabaye aur phurr se chal Diya, mehnat lagte hai isme babu. Munni, reena sabki saadi dekhi hai babu. School se college tak, Ek baar mayakee Bhi le Gaye the Gupta Ji ki bete ko. Abb to lagta hai pura janam ji liya, Abb wo baat nahi reh gaye duniya me. …
Category Archives: Life
Hero Banoge? Bhaiya star hai, screamed the guy sitting few seats away from me. I was returning home from south ex in a DTC bus. I wonder what made sardarji say this, was he intoxicated? I got down at the Punjabi Bagh club bus stand and walked towards Paschim vihar, not without gulping some paani …
We are running on a treadmill. A lot of this blame goes to our parents and society. The level of expectations put on young shoulders by Indian parents is undoubtedly beyond the limits. There is a checklist made as we age. This system makes life miserable for women, a constant nudge of getting married and …
Bahar mat Jana(don’t go out), screamed my maasi. I was five years old then and, I had kajal smeared over my forehead as a protection toolkit from bad omen. Those days killing of widows on the pretext of Dayan was common. It was a piece of daily news. Was it a way to get rid …
Most of us live miserable life. Some die from childhood to old age and work like a bonded slave. The quest for seeking meaning or purpose in life does not exist for us most. We are running a battle called life, where all we are trying to stay afloat. The time we have is to …
I have been regularly running for over six years now. It has been more of a meditation for me and helps with clear thoughts. I am not a gym person and quit cycling as well after a morning riding accident. I have been in on and off knee pain because of running. Last week I …
Can you lead with fear or putting guns on the head of your team? Isn’t a team is about working together for a common cause? The modern world runs on money. People join and leave for better money. But how long can money subside over shitty work conditions or treated like a slave with a …
Our desires have no limit. If we start writing a bucket list, most of us will end up filling a few hundred pages. It is good to have a bucket list. But what happens to us when these lists end up being unmet? Does it make us love the world and people around us less? …
Many of us are contributing to society in our unique way. They don’t need limelight, hashtags, or fan following on a social media platform. They are just contributing. Be it a hotelier, offering leftover food to shelter home, or school kid dancing on tunes for collecting charity. There are many more teaching kids for free. …
We are all special in our tiny little world. Our world is our imagination, aspirations, and zeal of not giving up. When we start seeking within, questioning ourselves, that is when the magic happens. We don’t need a self-help book or a therapist to tell us our purpose of existence. Tesla dies poor; Van Gogh …