I disregard the evangelicals from the valley and their posturing to we Indians. Our country has just opened up to the digital revolution. The millions of customers for most valley companies are going to come from India. The posturing by valley companies reminds me of the British Rule, you illiterate Indians, we have got this …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
Siblings and rivalry go hands in gloves when you have a small age difference. I was talking to my team about their siblings and fight. We all agreed that those fights on petty things. But we all fought. With time as we grow old, we start becoming more responsible and respectable for each other. We …
Innovation requires little craziness. One has to be crazy to go against all the odds. A lot of it comes from inside, not to prove someone or for the status quo. Mozart, Kalam, Beethoven, Ford, Picasso, Einstein, Jung, and living legend Elon Musk. Each has been crazy in their own ways. The world made fun …
There are moments when people would try to run over you. They will try to show you your worth, or what you are selling. They can do that because they are the decision-makers. It does not mean whatever their opinion is about us is universal. Do not get disheartened, keep building, shipping, and delighting your …
Silence does not mean a sense of fear or some void. During the pandemic, I had the opportunity to interact with many founders. For many of them, nothing has changed because they have been running the business on simple fundamentals. Go to social media to learn about mambo jumbos around SaaS metrics. When key should …
Do only we humans fight with our brains? Is our brain lazy? The brain takes shortcuts and avoids high cognitive tasks. Is it because of our past? When we were hunter-gathers, be alive being the default? Is this reason we worry before even starting anything? The constant reminders of what we can not do? Can …
What happened to our observation skills? We surrendered it to click through advertisement. Or we moved to the virtual world and raising cattle? Einstein got a clue about apple while being an idler, lazing around and observing. Wright brothers spent many days watching birds flying and observing. Once we start observing surroundings we become more …
Individuality has disappeared, we are all in the business of copying be it a persona, work, or product idea. In random conversation, we get to hear about thought leaders et all. How every entrepreneur looks at the success of X and wants to become like them. Is it because copying, cloning is easy? We have …
I grew up listening to stories of fairies, ghosts, witches, and shrewd foxes from my grandma. It would depend on her mood, when happy it’s about fairies and prince/kingdom. The outcome would be union, happiness, and courage. When Grandma would be in the mood of sharing wisdom, the knowledge it will be about foxes, cows, …
Some customers think they can build everything themselves and consider it as an advantage over their peers. The reason for it is very simple: Sunk cost and the Ikea Effect. The sunk cost of their knowledge and skill. How can it go to waste? Even though this is no more our primary task. The Ikea …