I quit twitter temporarily because I was drowning with advice from thought leaders across the sectors. At this time Corona is one thing and financial meltdown is another. Everyday common news is how founders are giving up entire years’ salary or the whole organization is taking a 25% pay cut. While some VC’s are sitting …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
Effort and Incentive
We are lazy. All technological advancement: the washing machine, mixer grinder, and many others invented for the same. We don’t like changing habits as well. Making someone adapt to a new system is super challenging. Unless we are incentivized or rewarded 10X our effort, we are not switching our existing workflow. An incentive for your …
We are in a lockdown. Our maid, cooks are not allowed to come to help us. While we can celebrate, chill, cook, crib they are in pain. We can do a little by paying them for these days they are out of work.
It is humankind vs invisible virus, who would have pictured world war 3. This time around we don’t have two camps fighting for superiority or resources. This time it is different, it is about our survival. War and corona are alike. They both take lives and wealth. Both make the global economy paralyzed. A war …
After crossing 30 I have realized a few things matter in life. Most important being building relationships. I can count on my fingers the number of people I have around me whom I can bank on when am dying. Does this mean I am stopping my adventure of connecting with more people? Nope, on average, …
The more and more I am drowning inside books am realizing about the authors who are reaping $$ out of buzzwords. Mental model, a cure for stress, leadership, becoming successful, a winner in negotiation. These are the topics you will find the topic of the bestsellers. My limited learning suggests most of these are puff …
In a democracy, it is perfectly alright to question our rulers. What we should not do is mud sledding. Instead of working with the government in avoiding the spread of the corona outbreak, a lot of many folks were making fun of government measures. Running a small half dozen team with many personas can be …
The interconnected world we are living in has one side effect: spreading of propaganda. We a keyboard away from spreading lies, false information. With Corona turning into a pandemic, people are blaming China. I am not sure what is the reality, I am sure in future we will find out. In this tough time, it …
This is the time when you will be tested as a leader. This is a time when every single decision of yours will define the leadership for the future. This is the time when your decision can make or break someone’s life and belief. This is the time when you are going to be looked …
For the last 6 months, I have been reading one or the other books of Ruskin Bond. I took justbooks membership to read mostly short stories and fiction. The more I read Ruskin, the more I find myself in one or the other story of his. It is likability and similarity which drives me to …