I had a great day today, met half a dozen great friends and mentors. Each one of us building our own: startup, funds, and journey of life. I noticed a common pattern, we are happier and life feels more meaningful. This has not made life easy for us but gave us the freedom to live …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
How many times in our life we look back at certain times and wonder what we could have done differently. This self-realization of what we could have done differently in the past for a better now for a relationship, job, skills keeps hitting us. Why do we have to ponder in it and waste hours …
For every 100 naysayers, we also have one believer. The journey of life or entrepreneurship rests on these believers. Someone spending a minute or two on your product or spending an hour or two should not affect the journey.
There are some days in life when things appear harder than it is. The situations, scenarios, and instances will feel like falling apart. This should not affect you, your virtues. For how much is lettuce sold? Fifty cents, for instance. If another, then, paying fifty cents, takes the lettuce, and you, not paying it, go …
brain constantly changes
Our brain constantly changes. A lot of it depends on how we perceive things or align our beliefs. A large chunk of it depends on the environment, people around us. With the advancement of technology and the constant flow of information, it is easy to change our minds. Sometimes in good, while mostly in a …
I don’t understand this craziness of selling oneself: looks, knowledge or thought leadership over social media. Are we so alone or shallow from inside or are we scared that no one is listening to us? We have stopped living for ourselves but our projections. How we look, what we read, what we were or what …
Seeing a child is fascinating: all of their tantrums included. It is amazing how they live an independent, break free life. There are no rules or etiquette written for them. All of their actions are raw and free from the booklet society throws at us as we mature. Sometimes I wonder was it better being …
Looks like the 24/7 news on protests has gotten over me. In my dream, I was crying over the cutting of the mango tree by my neighbor. The tree has grown with me, it is habitat for many birds apart from delicious mangoes. I called up mom asking about it, it looks like it was …
I now understand the importance of education now after living 30+ years of my life. Most of us coming from a modest middle-class family from tier 2-3 city has the same story. I had never imagined being part of all these glitters. I had no idea what I will do in my life. Our earlier …
We are getting better with time. We have won over many incurable diseases, we have replaced humans with machines where we have been risking our lives. Our quality of life has also gotten better, we have replaced the horse cart to cars. Most of our country has electricity, the fight against malnutrition is still on. …