Every decade, many of us rise within. It is like a reincarnation of ourselves. It could be because of a change in personal life or profession. These are the times when we get to rebuild ourselves. Some make the best out of it. Many others disappear from the world in solitude or die figthing within. …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
We are living in an unequal world. Some people live with the agenda of acting superior to the rest. As a result, they will play all sorts of tricks. The most common one is lowballing. People will try to tell you how all your plans are impossible. You cannot achieve it. In these scenarios, you …
In building a product, we become attached to the problem. It puts us in a blind spot. We end up becoming the frog whose world is just the well. We stop seeing the world around us and recognizing the advancements. We need new eyes and hands every now and then. We need people with a …
Who wants war?Weapon IndustryFearmongers and radicalistsThe dictators Who suffers most?Ordinary civilians, womens and kids Is fighting over religion, country, or mad leader justified?No
Things take time. Be it setting up a business, sales, or a relationship. There is no quick hack. We have to accept this reality, and it will make us calm. We cannot force anyone to buy our product or make others love us on the point of a pistol. We can give our best, understand …
We are all living a world within our thoughts.It makes or breaks us.Our experiences build it.That is why our forefathers made us roam in the wild, learn, observe, and experience.It helped us in building us. In AI terms, the LLM is our thoughts and data from our life experiences to generate unsupervised learning. What will …
How amazing we will become without reacting but just observing.In one way, a numbness.When we are observant and not reactive, we are open and objective.Our mind is not cluttered, and we are not biased in making any action. Our mind is a monkey mind. It keeps us in fright mode. We seek an escape, not …
You have to be open to accept life as it comes for you. There is no single straight path. There is no fixed line one has to follow. Knowing the impermanence of life is what makes us move forward. Our forefathers are no more with us. Their virtues are what we have built upon and …
You are responsible for your actions. You cannot blame others, like your parents, the country you grew up in and, limited resources for your failures. You have to grow balls and face the music. It is your life and you are responsible.
Positive mindset
We have one life. We need to see life each day. Keeping a positive attitude makes the journey beautiful. We all know every action has two outcomes: positive and negative. Why do we have to stress the negatives but not the positive? If we are not positive, we cannot achieve the dream of ours, because …