
Imagine a world with all things as we imagined. Would it not have made us lazy? Or would it not have completed us? We, humans, thrive on challenges. Everything we desired in life would have made us all idle. It would have affected adversely in progress and growth humanity has done so far.


Many youngsters are taking the social media route to prove their worth. Some are sharing book summaries, while others have become philosophers.  Many others are trying to show how miserable their life is. They are working hard against all odds. It reminds me of the Epictetus quote from Enchiridion. It is opposite to that is practiced these days. …


We are living in the era of hyper-productivity. The market for health apps monitoring our food, sleep, exercise trackers has grown multifold. All of a sudden, Homo-Sapiens is transformed into superman/women. While this is good, what are its side effects? Is this constant monitoring turning us into productivity zombies? What and when to eat, sleep …