Most brands are built on a story crafted in the early days. Everyone is responsible for it, most importantly companies culture. If employees are il treated, it will reflect outside. The same goes with vendors or other associates. The saying monkey sees monkey has a reason. A founder has to hire trainable leaders to replace …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
Crisis tests leadership. When things run smooth, we don’t notice much about the pillars or fundamentals of any business. COVID was one such situation that defined a company, especially how they treated their employees. There were mass firings and, many businesses got shut down. When the Brazilian frost hit in the early days, green beans …
One filter that has worked for me last 5+ years is duality check. Seeing what people tell you in one on one, what they do in real life and how they project on social media. We are all craving for importance and, social media is a melting pot for the same. It is also a …
One of the life learning in life has been Be Yourself. I keep sermonizing this to everyone. Authenticity is what keeps us going in the long run, not mask or lipstick. I have seen many relationships falling apart because of the lack of authenticity. Employees join with a promise, serve something else. People get married …
Our society is setting up the wrong precedence by creating cult leaders in entrepreneurship. It’s ruining the future generation and taking them in the wrong direction. Instead of solving pain, it has become a race. The success has become fundraising announcements and Twitter followers. Instead of creating long-term value, it has become camaraderie and groups.
We should dream and strive towards making it a reality. Having a dream alone is not enough. There was a dreamer behind most innovations and, it was their itch: an airplane, cars, electricity, or computer. We, humans, are gifted and, our will to go against the odds has taken civilization beyond: Mahatma Gandhi and Martin …
I don’t understand why we have made entrepreneurship something glorious. Some of us do it for the kick of it. One part of my brain says, ooh we are going to uncharted territory and taking all the risk and creating something unique. The other side of my brain says we are just trying to make …
We are part of the attention economy. Actors and performers are spending hours on Instagram posing beach vacation photos. Mare mortals like us feel that we are wasting our time. They are living a great life. In reality, they are working harder than us to stay relevant. The glamour industry has thrived on attention. It …
We have so much time to question what celebrities are up to or anyone else around us? Who are we to judge? Are we suffering from some disease where all we have to do is question others? How good a life we will have if we question our vices.
Have you tried sitting 10 minutes quietly without a cellphone or internet? Like being with yourself and your thoughts?What happens when you try doing it?Does your mind explode? People spend money or lock themselves for ten days at vipassana. How much of this helps? We are what we think. Observing why and what we are …