“Necessity is the mother of invention” is an English-language proverb. We are living across the continents, connected via technology and fighting against hunger, health, poverty, and illiteracy. Internet is no less than Renaissance or the Bhakti movement. We are all on the same rocketship. An individual sitting in a remote part of the world know …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
I keep hearing what it takes to run a startup. Reading the success of oldies like Walmart, Berkshire Hathaway and, a dozen others makes me realize: there is no secret sauce. There was a problem to be solved and, the founders worked hard to solve it. They were opinionated, visionary. Nobody asked for a car …
In a democratic society, we have all have our roles to play. Media is considered a pillar of democracy. When it comes to startup, the same rule applies. We should public, discuss talk about all aspects of building a company. As a media, one should cheer for the success of the ecosystem and at the …
We are living in a world where deception sells. It is not limited to relationships, humans. Our consumerism era thrives in disguise and deception. I was at a grocery store, and this is what happened. Another evening in the name of security, HotStar was harvesting the phone numbers of Indian users. A friend of mine …
Time is the most valuable asset for us. We are dying every single moment. The more and more I see our neglected attitude towards I get hurt. People say we Indians do not value the importance of time. To me, it is not about being Indian or not Indian. It has more to do with …
You cannot live in this world pleasing everyone. Not everyone is alike, not even twins. The sooner we realize it, the better our life becomes. Our ideologies are different. We are all biased. We cannot think alike: world wars happen for a reason. The rule applies everywhere at the workplace, in relationships, or in sales. …
You have to be rich to be a philosopher or an absolute destitute. Most of us are so busy running in the rat race, manage end meets for our living that idleness is luxury. When most of our thoughts run in the everyday misery of work, family, and figuring next day’s meal, where will creativity …
It is easy to narrate and mold stories at our convenience. It gives us the power of being something. Our ego dictates over us and leads us to take actions which we would have never taken otherwise. If we are lucky, we end up having a less painful life. We build cars, entertainment, food apps, …
Why do we want to have control over others? I heard about incidents related to the work environment where leaders, founders are absolute control freaks. When you hire someone, they have a role to play within the organization. They are given responsibility and expected to deliver. A leader can focus elsewhere. I thought leadership is …
Maturity comes with age and experience. I was a believer of it, not anymore. I think it is a mental construct and, more of it is about ourselves. People come on their reasons which fit their construct. In the end, one has to face themselves and their thoughts. How can we be vulnerable; we have …