Software Freedom Day in Chennai and Pondicherry on Sep 22, 2012

Last week i participated at SFD conducted by the folks from ilug-chennai and fsf-tn. The event was good and i had chance to interact with lots of college students. There were many booths with students explaining about it like Ubuntu,  Mozilla, Mysql others. You can find all details about it in official ilug-c blog here

At same time i got connected with guy name Prasanna Venkadesh, the guy who leads lug-Pondicherry. I was excited to know about there plan for similar event in Pondicherry, although i could not attend it but my friends from Blue Light were there. It was an eventful event with lots of question answer session about Linux and free software. Photos of the events can be found here  I am happy that Igor and Blue Light team participated in the event and spread the word of free software to students and attendees.

OSCON and cls12 experience

Let me Admit attending Cls12 and OSCON was in my wishlist. I feel lucky attending both the event this year.

Meeting all the community managers from over 100 available OSS projects is  exchanging success story  is big takeaway. Since Cls is barcamp style i had chance to sit and discuss how we build communities in India. I shared my experience mostly taking Linux/Ubuntu in account.

Well i don`t have much to say about my participation at OSCON was like dream come true. I met all those folks whom i been following/reading on twitter and famous blog portals.

Lastly it was fun attending Openstack day and celebration later in the evening.

m_3 and adam_g

I will be adding all photos later this week. 🙂