
How much is too much? Is there an end to our needs? The world we are living in has no such thing as enough.

That is the reason every month we have a sale going on. Or everything is always available at a discount. The more we buy, the more we feel like missing something. All the brands are working 24/7 to make us realize our missing happiness.

But as a human, what are our needs? How do we know what defines us, keeps us alive, and live as we progress?


Are some of us overeating? As a result, we are suffering from numerous health conditions?

Has our overeating opened a new era of tracking and monitoring gadgets from glucose to heartbeat to sleep?

Have we gotten lazier with everything delivered to our plate? Are we less active than our forefathers?

Are we humans making ourselves more miserable in the name of advancement?


Akelapan hai khud mae majboori sae zine ko, yae ek bimari he to hai. Sabkuch hote hue bhi koi nai apna, sabkuch khokhalapan sa jaan padta hai.

Hum paraye me apne ko dhundte hai, apno me kuch bacha he nai hai ab baat karne ko.

Ek nai aneek cheezo mae kho zate hai apne akelepan ko mitane kae liye. Kuch kutte, billi ke sagird bann zate hai aur kuch dhongi baba ke.

Baaki jo kuch bache wo masgool ho zate hai kaum, mulk ke ladai mae aznabiyoo ke sang mobile phone pe. Kuch Internet ke gumnaab awaaz bann ke reh zate hai.

Waqt ke saath saath apno ki kami hone lagti hai zindgi se. Kuch rooth kar chor zate hai, kuch ho zate hai kabr ke ho ke.

Apne akelepan mae zina suru kar diziye, zindgi mae kuch kami mehsoon nai hoge apko. Itna kuch to hai khud me kho zane ko. mazboori nai mauka samajhiye akelepan ko.


We, humans, are like onions, made of numerous layers. Most of us don’t have time to peel and peek into each layer.

We are part of an instant world for finding love, sex, or grocery. No one has time or patience.

We are all running and aiming for a perfect life, partnership, or work without waiting, observing, or peeling off all the layers.


Khoye hue hai hum apni ek aise zahan me ki khud me hai magan. Ek zindgi aise bana li hai ki bass khud mae he subkuch hai.

Zindgi ka har waqt har pal khud mae he to jina hota hai. Kyun ho zate hai hum chakachaundh bhare duniya kae.

Kaise bhul zate hai hum khud ko, kyun ho zate hai hum gulam khud ko chor ke is duniya kae.


As a founder, you are the best to judge what and how you want and build.

Are you in a short game or the long game?
The dynamics of the organization and journey both depend on this.
Also, neither is right or wrong.

It will also set up the culture for years to come.

Have a game plan and work accordingly.

Orphan founders

Many young-age founders think raising early on from a tier 1 fund guarantees success against others. On the contrary, taking an early cheque from a tier 1 fund limits your option. 

Some of the things that will happen: 

  1. Your champion will leave the fund. You will become an orphan.
  2. Not enough growth. You will be left to die slowly.
  3. Tier 1 fund will not lead and throw a mixed signal to other incoming investors.

What can founders do?

  1. Focus on fundamentals and not get carried away by who is on their CAP Table. 
  2. Focus on the team and building and delighting customers.
  3. Avoiding noise, PR, and self-promotion. 


We don’t have to worry about being judged.
We are not living in an ideal world.
We can not satisfy everyone.

We have to focus on our progress, getting better every single day.

We are not hurting others or being mean to the rest.
What is there to worry about?

How does it matter what others think about us?


We are living in a creator economy.
Everyone is an influencer and creator in itself.
You don’t have to be a rich kid from the metro to sell education on Youtube or lipstick on Instagram.
The flip side is the rise of pseudoscience and fake influencer marketing.

We are swimming between numerous content without quality checks and authenticity.

Is it good or bad?
Is it an equalizer for humanity?

I have no clue, but I feel we will die deep into the curation mess. Otherwise, a kid seeing a YouTube video will become averse to relationships or watch the wrong video on Newton’s law of motion will fight in school.