I been lucky this time to attend the OpenStack Summit summit hosted in Portland. Why am saying lucky because :–
(photo credit
1. I was finally able to meet a lot of developers and friends whom i been interacting over 2 years on IRC for help/support related to various OpenStack related issues.
2. I could witness how awesome the overall project has evolved over span of two years, over 2000 participants & so many new faces in the dev room. I am saying this because i have been part of the project from almost day 0.
(Photo Credit @itarchitectkev)
3. I could see same people talking/tweeting/speaking about OpenStack who been fighting with us in past about our project & everything we were doing.
4. I could finally meet guys from various other enterprises & talk to them about how they can help us with the support in strengthening OpenStack India community.
5. Interacting with global OpenStack community & sharing/exchanging thoughts about our OpenStack India Community.
6. Last not the least meeting again some of the super awesome folks whom i been following on Twitter & other social media space for help/support & who have been always helpful to me.
(Photo Credit @MichaeljonF)
And lastly i could eat Voodoo Donuts thanks @MichaeljonF to for that. 🙂