On Thomas Edison

I read “the wizard of Menlo Park, a life of Thomas Edison” recently. All this while I saw Edison as the guy who killed Tesla. I am not sure if that is true, but reading this book made me know a few other things about Edison.

  1. His entrepreneurial journey begun in early age, printing newspaper in running train.
  2. An outlier without any formal degree gifting so many innovations/patents to the world.
  3. His fake till making it attitude, belief in self, arrogance, and pride.
  4. His generous offerings to journalists in the form of company equities.
  5. His obsession with brand “Edison”
  6. His notable other contributions besides light bulb.
  7. His friendship with Ford and urge to ship electric cars.
  8. His don’t give up and win at any cost attitude.

I am happy that I read about Edison, at least in the next coffee conversation I am not going to say: Edison killed Tesla. Lastly, our man Edison was deaf.