
Equality is a misnomer. Our constitution is century old, the world has moved on. Poor are burdens to every country. All the lowly jobs where pays are nothing is for them. Society has been built on economical status. New unsaid rules have been written over the century.

Born as a poor in itself a disease in this modern world. You are voiceless two-legged creatures crawling. Your existence only makes sense on the voting day, you are just a vote bank. You are reminded about your caste, religion, and power just on these days. After that, you are forgotten. Atrocities against you are invisible. Equality exists in the freedom struggle or fictions. You have a ghetto, you live there and die with your dreams inside it.

I understand the story world shares about rags and riches. They are a few compared to the miseries, pain, and everyday death of a poor.

In 2020 the way every country has handled poor in COVID19 scenario, it saddens me and makes me feel our society has gone to shit further.