
Carol S. Dweck, author of Mindset has given intellectuals a whistle. I had my share last night, I heard Growth Mindset over a dozen times on a call.

Growth: Work hard, learn new things, and grow.
Fixed: Don’t work hard, stay as you are, and lose the competition.

Malcolm Gladwell wrote Outliers on the research paper of K. Anders Ericsson. It takes 1000 hours of hard work to master anything.

Angela Duckworth in her book Grit talks on the similar lines. If you want something: don’t give up and work hard.

Angela Duckworth, Malcolm Gladwell, and Carol S. Dweck are talking about the same thing. All 3 of them are psychologists and made millions selling their books.

The good old wisdom of Charlie Munger talks about Incentives. I feel without incentive, which can be internal or external reading these books won’t help. Hence focus on your incentive first and magic will happen in your life.