Leadership Principles

In the book, “The score takes care of itself”, the Author talks about 13 leadership principles. I liked it and felt like sharing it. 

  1. Be yourself. As a leader, the most important trait is being the best version of self. We are all different. It is not necessary that what worked for Steve Jobs or Mahatma Gandhi will work for us. We all have our unique journey and set of challenges. 
  2. Be committed to excellence. Build your checklist with what you are seeking from the team and yourself. There should be absolutely no negotiations with it. 
  3. Be Positive. As a leader, you have to be positive. Your team will mirror you and your traits. So not being positive will harm the overall organization. 
  4. Be Prepared. Things always break, and surprise is part and parcel of our entrepreneurial journey. Avoid kneejerk actions and plan for the worse. 
  5. Be detialed oriented. When we have complete access to the team’s weaknesses and strengths, it becomes easy to plan the sonata. As a team, we get perfection and deliver the best. Get all the fine-grained details.
  6. Be Organized. Running an Orchestra requires every instrument to function in perfection. A leader is to set up and organizes a team for optimal performance. 
  7. Be Accountable. A leader is responsible for an organization’s failure. There should not be room for blame games or making others responsible for their own mistake. 
  8. Be near-sighted and far-sighted. A leader has to plan, execute in present, and be prepared for the best future results. The plan has to be articulated for both the short term and the long term. 
  9. Be Fair. A leader has to be fair with the team. They have to treat people right instead of favoritism and partiality. 
  10. Be Firm. Stay with your vision, mission, and core values otherwise the organization will turn into a dystopia. Don’t give up or negotiate on it. 
  11. Be Flexible. Things change, and time requires adapting to the new. Be ready to mold yourself with time. 
  12. Believe in yourself. A leader has to believe in themselves before expecting others to join in their cause. So be firm and believe in yourself and your actions. 
  13. Be a leader. A leader has to fill in multiple shoes. So get accustomed to it. Be a mentor, guide, therapist, cheerleader, guru, or whatever it takes. Your team depends on you.