I was speaking with Jay last night. We got deviated from regular chit chat to wealth. The summery was short in simple: what will I do with 100 castles when in the end I have to sleep in one each night. The difference between a poor and a millionaire boils down to our needs and …
Author Archives: Atul
The recent Hidden Brain podcast features Daniel Kahneman author, Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment. The author describes noise as a mental construct loaded with our bias and environment in making decisions. He cites examples of various court judgments which resulted in people spending too long or less time in prison. Kahneman suggests the use …
fallen leaves
I picked Will Durant’s fallen leaves this week. It’s his collection of random thoughts on various aspects of life. In the chapter: middle age, he shared this list of virtue/vice respective to our phase of life. I felt like sharing it.
Bored: Let’s travel: pay to Airbnb, Uber, Expedia. Bored: Impulse buying: Amazon. Bored: Order food online: Grab Bored: Watch movies: Prime, Netflix Bored: Connect with friends: Twitter, Facebook Bored: Want attention: Instagram, TikTok Bored: Hookups: Tinder, Bumble Bored: Buy stocks and Crypto: Robinhood, Coinbase. Bored: Smoke pot or drink alcohol: Order online(Legally) Bored: Online bet: …
cheat day
Lockdown has resulted in overeating and zero running. At the same time, food cravings have gone on to their peak. I have gotten into ordering food one or the other day. The laziness won over me. Thankfully for the last few weeks, I have gotten in the zone of a cheat day. I try to …
Social media has turned into an MLM Ponzi scheme. The so-called thought influencers from various industries are faking it. This post title: The Great Online Game, and it talks about the same in detail. We are living in the era of gathering quick bucks, respect, and everything else. Everyone aspires to be next Naval, Elon …
rain drops
It rained last night. After a long time, I was out of my zombie mode(mobile, social media) and sitting silently on my balcony. The noise of vehicles or YouTube was missing and, it was a perfect void that made me listen to the raindrops. Raindrops were like playing their unique tunes. Some were falling on …
A group of blind believers over some ideologies, belief results in a cult. It could be a common purpose, ideologies, and beliefs. Our past has it all religious sect, a cult leader, psychedelic hobbyist, or a religious guru. In the modern era, a cult has transformed into consumerism, and being part of it has become …
The current life we are living is right out of a Hollywood script. I had not imagined seeing humanity coming to a standstill due to a virus. Most of us are suffering and recovering from the grief of losing our dear ones. The trauma is not going over anytime soon. At the same time, we …
As an entrepreneur or an investor or overall human, we like to create an aura. We want to form our cult with disciples or followers. You have an example of Naval or Elon Musk or Steve Jobs for the same. All these guys have built their brand and sale happens as a byproduct. That is …