Going by a self-help book, TED talk, and survivorship bias it seems one can do anything. Everyone is selling us a dream, finding true love, a perfect job or entrepreneurial success path. Is it really possible for anyone to do anything? I agree we have gotten better over the years and becoming big is not …
Author Archives: Atul
Haywire Heart
As a runner sometimes recently I realized that I am overdoing. Thanks to my friends who warned me after seeing my heart rate. I have been getting injured on a regular basis. I have not gone for my regular long runs for some time now. I am on rest for a few more weeks. The …
Global Warming
Global Warming is a coffee discussion these days. The discussion takes twists and turns. Instead of suggesting what government should do, we should ask ourselves what are we doing. Instead of asking the world to turn vegetarian, we have to ask ourselves what are we doing? To see a change, we have to be the …
User experience hierarchy of needs
User experience hierarchy of needs
I keep hearing from my founder friends about many aspects of startups. Sometimes the conversation boils down to culture. The definition of culture differs from founder to founder. For some, it reflects in every action of theirs: sales, hiring, product. Running a startup is like watching the game of thrones, surviving in chaos. Marty Cagen …
Going by media: newspaper, television and internet streams it seems we are all in some chaos. Everything looks messy, screwed up and worrisome. The movies, TV series portrays how bad corruption is and how lawmakers are sucking our blood. We humans react more to negativity. So media, Bollywood and the internet sell it. The attention …
We were not born perfectionist. We are slaves to our desire and ego. As we progress in life journey, we learn, adapt and get better. Some of us improve our self, become a better version of self. Some continue living like an animal, on ego and desires. Charlie Munger says learn from others mistake and …
What credentials or degree one requires to become a teacher? An Ivy league degree, exit from a successful startup or having millions of followers worshiping like a god on social media? I don’t know. What I do know is that a teacher can be anyone, without any pedigree or affiliations. The barista who taught you …
shut down
There are few days in my life when I want to get away from humanity. The days without books/pen/paper diving in my thoughts, observing things around. This does not mean being anti-social. Only if I had Scotty to beam me somewhere. That would have helped me in avoiding traffic.
Behavioral model
In the book Seductive interactive design, the author talks about the behavioral model prescribed by BJ Fogg. Fogg explains how modern-day applications like facebook, e-mails keeps us hooked. I found it worth sharing the section of the book.