A founder’s job is to eliminate bottlenecks on all fronts. The organization works on its own. Many founders take things too personally and get into I will do it all myself. They end up being power centers or control freaks. When in real they should be a leader watching things from afar. A successful organization …
Author Archives: Atul
Last week, I was listening to Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People. The book spoke about visualizing a better life. It made me think for a while. The more I delved into I realized how important it is to imagine a better life. When we imagine, our subconscious mind pokes us into …
Hum dhund rahe hai khud ko khud mae.Hum dhund rahe hai khuhd ko unme.Hum dhund rahe hai khud ko sabme. Ek pehchaan hai jiske talaash zindgi bhar ke rehte hai.Ek pehchaan khud ki khud se karne ki har pal khwaish rehte hai.Ek pehchaan banane ki unse khud ke liye aisa tamanna rehte hai. Hum khud …
Building a startup requires focus. The world we live in has all the ingredients for distraction. It is easy to get lost at events and announcements. It is easy to get lost in replying to unwanted calls and emails. What keeps most successful ones going is taming this noise. A sense of understanding to mute …
We are all craving for success. The definition of success is opaque. The definition can be different in the eyes of each one. Materialism has become the core of our society. Our media and glamour industry focuses on looks. The new generation is confused about finding balance in cementing relationships and casual hookups while working …
Our life is limited. We need a circle that inspires and educates us. Our defacto mind is negative. We need people to guide, advise, and believe in us. There is negativity already around.Why waste time on it more with the company of friends or at work? Our mind works when we are free. Our mind …
Our life is the sum of experiences. We are writing our story every day. We meet people, visit places, read, and visit places. In all instances, we gain a lot of learnings. It is on us how to apply to us in the present moment. Most successful people learn and observe from these experiences but …
Our insecurity is a root cause of suffering. We don’t take a step forward seeing the light of success. We are scared and fearful of venturing in because of past experiences. We have a small life and limited moment of opportunity. For someone insecure, it does not matter. Many are living in their bubble and …
Are we not lucky breathing, living a life out of fear?Are we not lucky to have parents around with us?Are we not lucky to have enough to live an independent life?Are we not lucky to have few friends with whom we share all our secrets?Are we not lucky to have a life partner helping you …
I feel sad seeing the plight of founder friends who raised millions and burning cash like there is no end.With the new normal, investors are asking founders to cut costs. And turn profitable overnight.As a result, there is mass layoff.In the first place, these companies had no PMF and burnt money in all directions to …