
In No Rule Rules, Reed Hastings talks about individual competitiveness and incentives. I felt it fosters toxicity within an organization. In the book Score takes care of Itself, the author talks about working together as a family. An organization includes people with different levels and roles.They are all valuable and need love, care, and respect. …

Standard of performance

A team with a mission, vision and organizational philosophy also needs a standard of performance. Bill Walsh mentions these below in his book “score takes care of itself “ Focus on specific actions and attitudes relevant to your team’s performance and production. Be clear with your expectations of high effort and standard of performance. Everyone …


How do you build an institution that outlives you? What would be the principles and methodology? One of the questions I have been thinking off-late. We have a limited generational business family like Tatas, Birlas, Marico, Reliance, and others. What would they have done differently? My limited learning suggests building a solid process and growing …