Our lives depend on uncertainties. The sooner we realize and accept it, we will be at peace. It makes us progressive and gives us reason to move the needle and work harder. Knowing what we don’t want in life makes us sane and thrive under uncertainty. We thus focus on minimising risk and pain.
Author Archives: Atul
Is fear the manifestation of our inexperience?How will we know the depth of a river without swimming in it? Is it the result-oriented world making us more fearful. We are more risk averse and fearless of failing.
There is a child persona inside all of us. As we age, it goes dormant. Once in a while, we meet friends and loved ones who comfort us. That is when this child comes back to life. Our modern life leaves no room for idleness and community participation as it used to be in the …
Some successful folks I know have perfected the wall of creating a life of its own. It is like rational compartmentalization of time and effort. They ace at everything in bits and pieces slowly. They are not a perfectionist at one thing but good at everything. We spend too much time on things we are …
Getting early adopters makes the product development process easy.We started onboarding only a few early adopters on a module basis.It saved a lot of our time and money. We had a customer waiting to consume it. Some early adopters also paid us because they were keen to solve their pain points. Everyone has free time …
We take rejections too seriously. We end up being sad or angry. Instead, all we need is to keep building. Everything takes time: building a product, a startup, or a stable relationship. Rejection is others’ opinion about you, your product but not the truth. Not everyone needs a product, appreciates an innovation, or commits. So …
We are living in a fast-paced mechanized world. Most of us living in metros are high on dopamine and are ultra-competitive. We are working hard to own every worldly pleasure apart from being the best in whatever we do. I am no one to say good or bad things about it. What I do feel …
We have to make the best of the opportunities given to us. No one gets everything in life, but some make a rainbow out of it while others die complaining. We compare ourselves with someone having more than us in wealth or glitter. As a result, we get depressed or get into FOMO. We forget …
How much of our suffering is the byproduct of our attachment and ego? We suffer from bodily and mental ailments, some of which come as a defect by birth, and we can not do much about it. But what about the ego and anger; does it not make us worst and hamper ourselves. Does it …
We go out and seek answers.We seek comfort in the advice of others.We visit peers, dargah, and shrines. What answers are we looking? Do we even know what we want? Are we wasting hours listening to an inspirational podcast or YouTube interview to get more lost? How will we find answers when we are clueless …