Going by media: newspaper, television and internet streams it seems we are all in some chaos. Everything looks messy, screwed up and worrisome. The movies, TV series portrays how bad corruption is and how lawmakers are sucking our blood. We humans react more to negativity. So media, Bollywood and the internet sell it. The attention …
Category Archives: Life
We were not born perfectionist. We are slaves to our desire and ego. As we progress in life journey, we learn, adapt and get better. Some of us improve our self, become a better version of self. Some continue living like an animal, on ego and desires. Charlie Munger says learn from others mistake and …
What credentials or degree one requires to become a teacher? An Ivy league degree, exit from a successful startup or having millions of followers worshiping like a god on social media? I don’t know. What I do know is that a teacher can be anyone, without any pedigree or affiliations. The barista who taught you …
shut down
There are few days in my life when I want to get away from humanity. The days without books/pen/paper diving in my thoughts, observing things around. This does not mean being anti-social. Only if I had Scotty to beam me somewhere. That would have helped me in avoiding traffic.
Life lie
We are constantly fed with milestones and goals. At times they can be seductive and make us go out of our comfortability zone, make us think, build and believe. This is all good. What about us living a life constantly on the edge: worried about future and carrying past biases. The constant urge to seeking …
It is easy to criticize someone, some architecture or art. It is extremely difficult to understand creators rational behind it. We, humans, are loaded with our own biases, past experience, and expectations. We like to be always correct and get our opinions to stand corrected. We live in an imperfect world and not everyone gives …
The term mentor has become a modern day marketing jargon. Social media platform or business cards are embedded with it. Why do we have to shout and make claims about being a mentor? Early days, a mentor would counsel his/her mentee, see him/her mature, excel in life. Our current construct has made mentorship a consumerized …
Where can we find a cure for our stupidity and anxiety? Will watching Netflix or listening to music be of any help? There is a market for everything. Music which makes you fall asleep to video course for feeding positivity. Nothing helps with eradicating the source but quick fixing it. Will you need those apps …
Distraction is not limited to our overuse of social media. It is not something new to we humans. The vice has been around since eternity. Many sages and philosophers have spoken and written about it. Distraction has more to do with our thoughts and our association with the world. We can get distracted over the …
Why is Leisure so far fetched? Are we machines running on checklists? Or is it our desire to do the next big thing which keeps us running like a workaholic donkey? I know many men who have made enough wealth to live a peaceful life, but, they are not satisfied. They are running like a …