We say necessity is the mother of invention. We are still out fighting poverty, malnutrition, poverty, and illiteracy. With technological advancement, we are hyper-connected, and innovation sharing has gotten easier. Covod19 occurrence, trace, and cure say it all. Our world has become a global village with the emergence of technology: Arab springs to Panama papers …
Category Archives: Life
We become how we feel: a victim or a survivor depending on our mindset in business. The fight-and-flight mode of our brain always nudges us to run away, blame others, or sink in guilt. We are no more rational creatures but an animal up in rage to react when the ego gets in our way. …
Practice to perfection: we are told about it time and again.No job is small. Every task or position requires dedication and practice. We can not be the best in trade by sitting idle or just doing enough. In the book: score takes care of itself, the author talks about his best players’ grit, daily grunt, …
We are all lost with deep desires to be someone or mark a dent in the universe. Many of us disappeared into the darkness & given up our life. They consumed alcohol, took psychotropic substances, or committed suicide. Externalities fuel our wants.We are no more ourselves.We are lost in the consumerism era, which will live …
How easy it is to live in anger like a dormant volcano. Does it help anyone? Be it a relationship or business: disagreements are part of it. Some of us keep grudges and make things worst for everyone. We start forming our own opinions and keep everything in a prejudiced bucket. Who does it help? …
plus 30
Once you cross 30 years of your age, you should start taking care of your health more. The body and metabolism are not the same. We are living in a hyper-connected world with a continuous flow of information. It affects us adversely. We are social animals which result in impulsive drinking or smoking. With the …
Karma is a real thing.It will come back and hit you.Be nice, be good, and be honest. In the end, it is you and your consciousness. Your karma will come and bite you in one or the other ways. Your castles and money will not fill the void with all your bad karma. I am …
We all crave love and respect. It is easy to get angry and give feedback point-blank to your subordinates. But is it the right approach? Can this take your team far in the journey of building the rocket ship? Why can we not make constructive criticism instead of pointing fingers? As a leader, you are …
In sales, it’s a simple trick and technique where your customer will throw you against your competitor. They will remind you what features you don’t have or what price point will work for them. At times they will also come back asking about being costlier. I have gone through all these scenarios. Our market expects …
A leader’s role is temporary but the organization lasts for decades. A successful leader creates an environment and trains and motivates their team so that teaching and learning continue even in their absence. You don’t want to be a control-free leader but create an environment where teaching philosophy has deeply ingrained within your organization. Whether …