Our world offers many choices and confuses us. We are fighting for a qualified source and content more than ever. Technology has enabled us to run in a superfast lane competing with our peers. The quest for becoming ultrahuman is adding fatigue. We are running faster than ever to achieve our goal.The race, battle, and …
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
Emptiness is inside, and the want has taken away our originality. We are painting ourselves in real or reel both for attention. The self now craves external appreciation. Our virtue of self has transformed into voyeurism and an infinite scroll.The era of glory by externals over self is why social media exists. In the absence …
We live in a world carrying different personas. It’s like we are in the real world but on reels. The posture can be because we want to look good or be part of this society that preys on materialism. The emptiness within could be another reason for this layer. We are desperate for attention and …
hyper connect
We say necessity is the mother of invention. We are still out fighting poverty, malnutrition, poverty, and illiteracy. With technological advancement, we are hyper-connected, and innovation sharing has gotten easier. Covod19 occurrence, trace, and cure say it all. Our world has become a global village with the emergence of technology: Arab springs to Panama papers …
You have to be mad head to run your enterprise, the main reason being uncertainty. You are on a treadmill and a vicious cycle of things working and not working. Every other day in the founder’s journey is a challenge: customers leaving, employees leaving, or failing product timelines. Media only glorifies the founder’s life, unicorn …
We become how we feel: a victim or a survivor depending on our mindset in business. The fight-and-flight mode of our brain always nudges us to run away, blame others, or sink in guilt. We are no more rational creatures but an animal up in rage to react when the ego gets in our way. …
Leadership is not about telling the team what to do but working with them, hand in hand, and showing them the way. How do you expect a team to peak performance when a leader is in leisure and least bothered about the organization? How will your team perform when you are unavailable for them or …
Practice to perfection: we are told about it time and again.No job is small. Every task or position requires dedication and practice. We can not be the best in trade by sitting idle or just doing enough. In the book: score takes care of itself, the author talks about his best players’ grit, daily grunt, …
Imagination drives us to build a castle in thin air. It pushes us to work harder and seek the unachievable. Our imagination enables us to leave our daily chores and fantasize about travel, food, falling in love, or becoming a billionaire. Our imagination gives purpose to our life. It makes us more creative, frees us …
Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography talks about his vice/virtue list. It has been a transformation for me in the last six years. My list of virtue list has controlled eating and avoiding meat, sugar, wheat, and milk. I have monthly notes pinned on my room which list dates I missed my eating habits. Has anyone else done …