
Customers who care for you want to work with you will treat you as part of their internal team. They are part of your product development team. You have to listen and get every clue from their feedback, usage patterns.

My friends tell me why am I so transparent with them, the simple reason is they are going to pay our bills. We are working on making their life better.

Customer-driven development is about: delighting our customers, solving their pain points, and making them our evangelists.

To serve them best we have to be honest with them and share, which at times means delaying a feature release or onboarding date.


I keep hearing from my friends and experienced sales folks about closing. My last 24 hours experience has been different. There is no one fit for all.

A sale is about solving customer’s pain, delighting him. Closing the revenue target is a byproduct. A sale is about making him or her comfortable. It is about trust, belief, and respect.

We all like to be loved, treated well, and not cheated. This should be the pillar in sales, not the targets or bonuses.

You can sign them for one year, quarter but when they switch they will tell a dozen others about their ordeal. We should strive for delighting customers, not product marketing. We have to be true to our customers.

In 2020 the biggest moat in sales is having your customers as your believers, champions first. Hitting the sales target, revenue, the quota will follow.


What advancement are we talking about? An era where everyone is suffering from panic, stress? Everyone is running faster and getting sick.

We have won over deadly diseases Cholera, leprosy et all with the advancement in science. Advancement gave rise to deadly lifestyle diseases though. Diabetes, stress, blood pressure, heart attack accounts for major death now.

It seems like everyone is working harder than their forefathers. Everyone is less happy and everyone is more disease prone.

We are running faster and reaching late.

What has happened to this humanity? It this curse of advancement is on us to blame?


Running a business, life or a relationship requires a set of defined fundamentals. The system will only sail smoothly until our fundamentals are correct.

Defining a fundamental is not an easy job. It requires a lot of thinking and answering 5 why’s

Whatever ship you are sailing, try to keep your fundamentals right. Ask questions with yourself. Do not fall prey to society or glory.

Everyone wants to succeed in everything, very few think about what could be the reason for them failing.


Leadership is about being true to the principle.
Leadership is about treating people as humans
Leadership is about being clear with fundamentals.
Leadership is about fostering positivity, celebration, and empathy.
Leadership is about eating at last.
Leadership is about taking pain/failure head-on, learning from it.
Leadership is not blaming others, but working together.
Leadership is about US than I.


Power is a double-edged sword. A lot depends on you how you handle it. Some add pride and arrogance to it. Some stay calm, empathetic.

Industry and capitalism celebrate assholes. They are the poster boys, omnipresent in media. But once they lose their power, most are lost in darkness.

We, humans, dwell on love, empathy, respect. Why do you have to treat someone the way you would like to be treated yourself?

Whether someone is doing sales, marketing, or customer support. At the end of the day, they are human. You have the power to treat them as you like.


The early ’20s is a difficult phase of everyone’s life. While we are figuring out, society is at us guiding what we should do. Be it our parents, elderly siblings, or parents. At the same time, our body and brain are juggling with the hormonal changes.

From building a career to falling in love everything happens at this age. This is the golden moment of our life. This period shapes our future.

With the advancement in science and technology. We are getting better and youngsters are learning about every aspect of their life. But still, a lot is on our own shoulder.


Why do we have to shove our ideology to family or peers? People who are closer to us can be independent with their world view. Why do we have to force our belief?

We want to see our peers, family progressing in their life. Progress should happen in all realms apart from monetary, education. Having independent, free thinkers with their way of seeing the world will be a better company.

We, humans, thrive in society. Likeability and respect are jewels. In 2020, we have moved beyond living in a tribe. We have information on plenty. What we need more is an independent way of thinking, not following the herd.


Breakup seems like the biggest epidemic of our modern civilization. Social media, smartphones, and instant gratification have increased it further. Everyone goes through it with mixed feelings.

The reason for moving on:

  • Our unmet expectations
  • Being cheated
  • Letting our happiness in the hand of others
  • Peer pressure
  • Change of mind or life’s priority

The human desire for likability and reproduction makes us seek for the other half. A huge trillion dollar market makes the best from it. Best selling fiction and Hollywood flicks are selling the utopia of true love.

How difficult it is to live life on our own terms, not letting our fate, happiness in the hand of one individual? How difficult it is to not fall for herd mentality, relax, and take time before venturing?