
It is easy to get lost, lose vision for short term gains. We have seen time and again in business and relationships.

Our faith in our journey plays a vital role in reaching our milestone. Every day, every moment our faith is on a test.

Having faith does not mean neglecting reality. But having a clear true north and willingness to walk on the journey towards it.

Nothing comes easy in life, even breathing requires complex coordination.


Being nice costs nothing. All it requires is not being an asshole.

The hyperconnected world persona association is easy. If a bunch associate you with a bully and unkind, you are that. But it is more treating others as you would like to be treated.

We are all fighting our own battles. Some at work, others in a relationship. The world is not perfect. If we have nothing good to say about a person or scenario, we can be quite.


One reason I avoid social gatherings is the number of opinions I get to hear. People with no skin in the game has all sort of advice.

Having an opinion on anything and everything does get a conversation going, not sure how meaningful thought.

Deep knowledge on a subject and skin in the game should take precedence over opinions.


Ruins remind us of the past. Each has its own story and reasons for existence. Some were built to showcase strength, prosperity while others to safeguard from intruders. From being the wonders of the world to reminding ill-fated past, we see them in the present.

Get some time out of your busy life, read, visit them. They will all disappear in no time.


I have stopped seeing disagreement as rejection. Every day of our life is about negotiations. Taking things personally is irrational.

In my 20’s rejection meant war, be it in business on a personal relationship. As I am growing old, I am starting to make peace with it. I don’t see failing negotiations as rejections but a learning experience.

Is anyone preferred before you at an entertainment, or in a compliment, or in being admitted to a consultation? If these things are good, you ought to be glad that he has gotten them; and if they are evil, don’t be grieved that you have not gotten them. And remember that you cannot, without using the same means [which others do] to acquire things not in our own control, expect to be thought worthy of an equal share of them. For how can he who does not frequent the door of any [great] man, does not attend him, does not praise him, have an equal share with him who does? You are unjust, then, and insatiable, if you are unwilling to pay the price for which these things are sold, and would have them for nothing. For how much is lettuce sold? Fifty cents, for instance. If another, then, paying fifty cents, takes the lettuce, and you, not paying it, go without them, don’t imagine that he has gained any advantage over you. For as he has the lettuce, so you have the fifty cents which you did not give. So, in the present case, you have not been invited to such a person’s entertainment, because you have not paid him the price for which a supper is sold. It is sold for praise; it is sold for attendance. Give him then the value, if it is for your advantage. But if you would, at the same time, not pay the one and yet receive the other, you are insatiable, and a blockhead. Have you nothing, then, instead of the supper? Yes, indeed, you have: the not praising him, whom you don’t like to praise; the not bearing with his behavior at coming in.

Enchiridion of Epictetus

Buyers Side

In the book “the transparency sale” author talks about what moves buyers towards your product:

  1. Trust in your product. How much can your product be trusted in solving the pain points?
  2. Is your product going to avoid buyer’s confusion? The buyer gets pitched every day. Is your product the needle in the haystack? 
  3.  Buyers preference. Is your product providing everything a buyer is looking for?
  4. Is the buyer willing to pay the price you are quoting?

In sales all these work in equilibrium. 

pricing levers

While reading the transparency sales, the book I learned about pricing levers. 

What he means by levers is what drives the pricing of your product. He uses the example with Enterprise B2B SaaS. 

The 4 levers:

  1. The number of seats: How many licenses the team is willing to buy.
  2. Upfront: How quickly is the customer willing to pay. Will it be at one go, every month or quarterly. 
  3. Length of commitment: How long he is committing to use the product for a minimum of one, two or three years. 
  4. Closer: How many days from the first conversation the client pays.

Enterprise Sales are long commitments. Everything starts with trust. But at the same time sales cycle, volume, commitment from customers define the path of your company.

I found it worth sharing. 


Why is it so difficult not to move beyond transactional relationships in our life? We are all humans and deserve some love, empathy, and respect. Why is class, race or money has to take preference over humanity?

A taxi driver, waiter or your co-worker is as human as you are. How difficult it is to treat them all with respect? Are they all not trying to make a living?

Treat others as you would like to be treated.


Similarity and likeability play a vital role in any relationship.
Does it also foster a limited thinking mindset?

Do we end up creating a zone that is built on limited ideology, knowledge, and belief?

Would it not be great to go out, explore meet people with a different ideology, expertise, and skills?

Why do we have to live like a cocoon in its little world and limited knowledge?

little things

When was the last time you made a surprise visit to your parents?

When was the last time you joined your best friend for dinner unannounced?

When was the last time you took the entire team for an excursion, a day trip on Monday morning?

Little things, surprises matter. People cherish it for life. Time is the most valuable asset for us. Give some of it to your loved ones.