
We are surrounded by people who have never done something in their life but have got a shit load of opinions. These are the so-called thought leaders, from sharing WhatsApp forwards to Facebook posts, they can be found everywhere.
These opinions and thought leaders do more harm to society than the favor. Their preaching of 10000 hours of perfection to KETO to mindfulness, ends up in creating a herd. We, humans, are so scared that we seek out for externalities for everything. From advice to the comfort we seek out instead of seeking in and self questioning.

We end up becoming followers of a mass murderer, rapists or a pedophile just because we are too scared of ourselves. We are seeking for that magic bullet in others to comfort us.


The humans came to exist centuries ago. We survived against all the odds: predators, nature. We learned from our mistakes and got better with time. We built houses, arms and formed a society.

Coming to 2019, I get a feeling that most of our current challenges have answers in the past. Our innovations are built on our past knowledge. All we need to do is to recycle. Most of our pains and miseries are no different than what our forefathers faced. Some guided us with the solution in the form of philosophy, psychology or religious text.

I find it stupid when I see the so-called thought leaders of the current generation preaching knowledge about life without giving credits to the original creators.


Celebrated my 34th birthday yesterday. I feel lucky to have survived so far in this journey of life. The quest for acquiring self-knowledge is still going on.

What more do I expect from this amazing life: I have great friends and family members around me, I have enough money to pay for my bills and all my body parts are working alright.


Most of our life we are on ourselves. We live with our body and thoughts. We have externalities in the form of companions and society.

If we master and accept living with ourselves, in our consciousness living this life becomes very easy. It keeps us calm and going in the flow of life without any pain and worry.

It is not necessary to go by the template and appease everyone as long as you are not hurting others. It is not required to be part of this herd, you are free to have your thoughts and liberty to express it.

Rabindra Nath Tagore wrote a famous poem Ekla Chalo Re. I have added its English translation below.

If they answer not to thy call walk alone,
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall,
O thou of evil luck,
open thy mind and speak out alone.

If they turn away, and desert you when crossing the wilderness,
O thou of evil luck,
trample the thorns under thy tread,
and along the blood-lined track travel alone.

If they do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with storm,
O thou of evil luck,
with the thunder flame of pain ignite thy own heart
and let it burn alone.

Bengali version of the same poem


Why is it so difficult to take NO for an answer?
Is it because of our pride and ego?
Why can’t we accept that not everything goes in our way?

Why do we have to get furious and start hating the person or organization after hearing no? Why don’t we accept that rejection is part of our life. It can be a relationship, a sales pitch or a job.


Overthinking is a cause of great misery. We tend to complicate our life with numerous thoughts. Some of it can be constructive while most being painful. I read somewhere 22000 different thoughts crosses our brain every hour. In the case of sages, yogis it is much less.

Vipassana and other eastern meditation talks in great deals about our thoughts. If we can get over this overthinking, we will start living in the present. Once we start living in the present, we will see the world as it is.


One has to have a belief system of self. It helps us in all spheres of our life. It is not limited to selling, starting up but living a day to day life of ours.

Having a belief is a cause makes purpose more achievable. It helps us in focusing towards goal with more positivity.


We have to find our path in this journey of life. We will get mentors and loved ones in the journey. But the path has to be chosen by ourselves.

Our allocated time on this planet is limited, following someone else’s path will do no good. We have to ask ourselves about what we want and then take a suitable path.


It requires coming out of comfort to lead a life on your own. I keep hearing from a few friends about starting up or settling down for past 3/4 years.

Everything comes with a tradeoff. Either you keep sucking to your boss for a monthly salary or work on the dream idea. The dream idea has a 99% chance of not succeeding and you screwing up.

Is it worth getting out of comfort? It is if you don’t want in your grave with regrets.