
We need tyres to work in balance for a car or bike to function well. We can have all the gadgets or modern body parts, but without balanced types, they will crumble. The same applies to founders in any startup: they are the tyres. Founders should be in sync to fly their fat machine, which runs on limitations.

To run an institution having a shared vision, mission, and action among all tyres/founders is super necessary. Work hard on finding the right tyres before sailing the car.

In the case of Taghash, I got lucky to have met Krishna for over ten years but getting into the journey for the last five. Every single day has been a roller coaster together. We are still very early, but the journey has been exciting this far.


How many instant decisions in your life have harmed you later?
Our brain runs a fight or flight mode. We want to be protected.
Negative news gets more eyeballs than positive for this reason.

We can only delay the intensity at which we react. One has to be very stoic to stay strong and live another day.

Giving a knee-jerk reaction can lead to disaster.


How do you build an institution that outlives you? What would be the principles and methodology? One of the questions I have been thinking off-late. We have a limited generational business family like Tatas, Birlas, Marico, Reliance, and others. What would they have done differently?

My limited learning suggests building a solid process and growing responsible leaders. I have realized the power of process and people all this while.

Any organization will see generations if leaders are independent and transparent with bold beliefs, the idea of predicting the future, and some luck.

Education and employment are the stepping stone of a wealthy nation. We need to build more and more companies that last for generations and generate stable employment for millions. That is how our country will progress.


I see an analogy in building a startup and successful orchestra. Both depend on the team and the process. Most importantly, coordination and perfection.

We see how companies and organizations live in silos and delayed product development. Two teams have no clue how the company and products get shipped in time with quality and compassion.

An orchestra or a startup having an able leader with a defined process ensures perfection.


There is a land in the middle of an ocean where humanity thrives; everyone is equal without caste, color, religion, or national boundaries. A world runs on barter, not paper. People work hard, stay competitive, and feel grateful. Everyone has peace of mind and the ability to think.

A world where innovation thrives on making a better life for humanity.


We made rockets, landed on the moon, and built nuclear weapons.
In short, a superhuman.
We have the best of the luxuries in life.
What have we not achieved?
We have cured the incurable and increased our lifespan.

We are still fighting with each other, getting divided over caste, color, and religion.

Are we conquering or made captive?


Entrepreneurship has no standard SOP. Books, podcasts, events, or masterclass tells you otherwise. Each problem is unique in itself, and so are the challenges in solving it.

Success and failures are the byproducts. The journey is what defines and makes an Entrepreneur.

Edison, Tesla, Eintstine, the Wright brothers, and numerous other innovators had multiple failed attempts before succeeding in their innovations.

Van Gogh died painting in poverty, loneliness, and lack of companionship. But he kept drawing.

An Entrepreneur’s mindset is about not giving up but going down time and again, rising from the ashes, and becoming more powerful and mature.


People in the tech industry, glamour industry, or experts need responsibility for how they portray their thoughts or observation.
It is because many of us look at them for inspiration.

When a leader shares his learning or teaching under any influence, bias, or half-baked expertise, it results in disaster.
It has been noticed time and again.

If you consider yourself an expert or thought leader, be more responsible with sharing your learning, experience, or opinion.

Please own responsibility and be naked about what you don’t know and this world will love you more.


I love my country. I am lucky and proud to be an Indian. It does not mean I will not question the wrongdoings of my administrators or will have a close eye on the policies.

My nationalism is for the prosperity of my country. My nationalism is on unity, not division. We want to change the nation. For that, we have to bring change within ourselves. Complaining is easy, but owning the challenge and solving it is magical.

Our country is big so are the challenges in our hands. We can add value to education, healthcare, agriculture, employment, or a sustainable environment.

No government is perfect, and no political party is clean. We have to take things into our hands and bring change to millions of others, build something to change the lives of all.

In the end, on our death bed what matters most is the lives you have changed in positive ways. Your marble statue will be full of pigeon shit. Once a year, someone will clean it and add garland.