
I love my country. I am lucky and proud to be an Indian. It does not mean I will not question the wrongdoings of my administrators or will have a close eye on the policies.

My nationalism is for the prosperity of my country. My nationalism is on unity, not division. We want to change the nation. For that, we have to bring change within ourselves. Complaining is easy, but owning the challenge and solving it is magical.

Our country is big so are the challenges in our hands. We can add value to education, healthcare, agriculture, employment, or a sustainable environment.

No government is perfect, and no political party is clean. We have to take things into our hands and bring change to millions of others, build something to change the lives of all.

In the end, on our death bed what matters most is the lives you have changed in positive ways. Your marble statue will be full of pigeon shit. Once a year, someone will clean it and add garland.