
Radical Optimist, a virtue I have added in the last five years of startup life. Running a company is a mad ride in itself, and not having an optimist approach to our action will harm us.

We have things in our control, which is giving our best. However the same time, the output is a result of our action. If we are not optimists, are we going to give our best?


The world has witnessed many wars since its inception. Another one has started by Putin. There will be a loss of people and property. The trauma of war will continue hunting families for many decades.

International organizations like NATO and the UN are doing nothing. They did nothing earlier when America Invaded Iraq or Afghanistan.

The US stock market is surging because the weapon manufacturers and infrastructure development companies are hopeful of their future profits.

Everyone else like us can only pray and feel sad for our friends living in Ukraine.


There are times in life when we question everything. Be it internal self or the external world around us. These are the times that differentiate us from each other. Some give up, while others continue their journey.

Life and winning are not for the faint-hearted. It has too many rough edges. Even if we like giving up, we can not. So the journey has to continue as a seeker or time traveller, accepting whatever comes in the journey. Giving up is not an option but a mandatory requirement.


Has it occurred to you that some catchups, conversations, or meetings should have never ended?

The secret urge of a never-ending moment because of our interest in it.
Our life constitutes of people and moments.
Some stay with us till the end.
We cherish a few till our death bed.

One has to be lucky to have come across such a few moments in life. I am have witnessed one today, happy me.


Imagine a world with all things as we imagined. Would it not have made us lazy? Or would it not have completed us?

We, humans, thrive on challenges. Everything we desired in life would have made us all idle. It would have affected adversely in progress and growth humanity has done so far.


Do we give up soon?
Did we train ourselves to be like this?
Why do we switch so frequently for shiny things?

When we let our flame of creativity and persistence die, we get lost. We run around like a headless chicken asking for the big things. We experiment and look for gurus or mentors.

We end up seeking externality for our internal self. How much does it help? Does it make us more confused and lost?


Someone is a pessimist for a reason. It could be their fear or all the misses in previous attempts or people around them. Does it mean they have no chance to progress and get over it and rewire themselves?

Our mind is our treasure. It acts as we guide it. We can reshape it with hard work and lots of self-belief. We can change our mindset. Add a positive reason to it. We start seeing the world around us as loveable.


Many youngsters are taking the social media route to prove their worth. Some are sharing book summaries, while others have become philosophers. 

Many others are trying to show how miserable their life is. They are working hard against all odds.

It reminds me of the Epictetus quote from Enchiridion. It is opposite to that is practiced these days.

Never call yourself a philosopher, nor talk a great deal among the unlearned about theorems, but act comformably to them. Thus, at an entertainment, don’t talk how persons ought to eat, but eat as you ought. 

For sheep don’t throw up the grass to show the shepherds how much they have eaten; but, inwardly digesting their food, they outwardly produce wool and milk. Thus, therefore, do you likewise not show theorems to the unlearned, but the actions produced by them after they have been digested.

Epictetus, Enchiridion


Living a life for yourself is fulfilling. Living for social media to seek attention will add more depression to your life. Social media likes and comments will not cure our thirst or hunger; real work will.

Be different because you want it for yourself. It should not be for social proof. All the decisions you take will come back and haunt or work for you.

Being different is no recipe for success but scepticism, jealousy, and hatred. So be very aware of it and if the heart directs towards it, go break-free. After all, it is our life and, it is limited.