
Apne khwab liye chal pade hum is kasbe se us saher ki aur is umeed me ki zindagi ne kuch acha sanjo ke rakha hai.

Sapne to Kai hai aur pura karne ka hausla bhi hai. Bas kuch waqt ke liye mayusi aum gum ka andhkaar AA Zara hai.

Ek khud ke kasmokash ka dwandyudh hai ye. Khud se khud me zindgi ko zine ki khwaish hai.

Aisa kehte hai ki takdeer ka muqadaar apke hausalabzaye ka mohtaaz hota hai. Apke taqdeer ki sayahi par apke mehnat ka pasina duba hota hai.

Khud pe hausla rakhiye, kamaan kas liziye aur ho zaiye tyaar. Apke chahat hai, apka sapna hai, sab hoga apka muqaddar.


We are responsible for our actions. We cannot change the world or others. The sooner we realize, the less traumatized we will feel. We can only help others to a level with support. But it should not come on account of harming ourselves and our sanity.

How can you take responsibility for others’ actions? This action will make you only guilty and weak. We have to let go of things for our sanity.

People like to play victim cards to gain sympathy and our attention. They like to blame you or emotionally drench you. If you will suck into their scheme, it becomes a
nonending loop.


The sad part of being sick is that you are bedridden. Your smell & taste sense takes a toss. Your brain gets crowded with many thoughts, good or bad. You start craving for people whom you love and like around you.

Last but not least, you start behaving like a kid seeking all the attention.


There are so many things I can be thankful for. I am alive as one. The other is that I still have control over my consciousness.

The world we are living in gives us all the ingredients to get lost or get into FOMO. With age, we will realize that our sanity and the company of a chosen few matters.

The sooner we distinguish our needs & wants, we will start living without worrying about finances. The loved ones will accept us for who we are, not because of our car or bank balance.

Your health. What you put in your mouth, who you meet, and what you think should matter to you.


Your poop speaks a lot about your health. I am not kidding. I am serious. The emergence of research in the gut microbiome domain makes it more evident. I remember reading – 10% Human and Guts. Both books impart the same information. All these years of understanding myself more, my choice of food, and my daily habits resulted in a better life.

These books mention how our human body has bacteria and many other organisms. It also mentions some of these bacteria are building blocks and shape us into who we are. They help with every stage of our life, including mood, health, and longevity. 

These Author’s recommend :

  1. More of eating green leafy veg our diet.  
  2. Intermittent fasting. 
  3. Avoiding alcohol.
  4. Long walks and meditation.
  5. Sleeping well

Haven’t Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism mentioned these since their inception? Our science is finally catching up with religion. 


Every passing year has things to teach us. The world is connected more than before. We survived COVID. We are at war now. Many lives will be lost. But for most in the world, life will continue passing by.

I have my list of how the year passed. Many things progressed in my personal and professional life. With age, I feel more and more content with everything in life.

In the end, we live in our thoughts. Everything outside, from wealth, relationships, or accomplishments, is secondary. The sooner we accept it. Nothing much will matter to us.

We have nothing to review besides how we think, observe, and feel about ourselves and how we live in our thoughts.


Our life gives us opportunities. It is upon us how to cease and make use of it. We don’t have to play a victim card because of our sexuality, caste, looks, or nationality.

People who made a difference in this world have come out from all the dogmas and gone against all odds. Be it Ambedkar, Gandhi, Mandela, or Martin Luther.

I find our society has turned more into a victim mindset rather than a doer mindset.

Our civilization would have never flourished on the victim card.


What is the secret of happiness? I keep getting asked. My simple reply is to be grateful for whatever we have in life.

We can see life as half full, half empty, or being thankful that we have a glass with options.

Most of us humans thrive on love, affection, and care. Once we have it, everything becomes an add-on.

We have so many things to complain about. Our wants are endless, and so much to regret. The monkey mind has conditioned us to think about negatives.

A few thrive because they collect all little positive moments in life, keep them in their safe, and cherish them. They are more happy and less in pain and misery. We need to seek within. Observe us and our thoughts before going out and saving the world.


We are running and chasing our checklist. It is never ending. We have too much to do. This journey of life eludes us from little things. The little joys of shipping tea and enjoying the monsoon rains. The morning crawling of birds or late night howling of foxes. There are many millions other things.

We prioritise task list above the little joy of not doing anything. Just reading, spending whole day in a blanket and enjoying the winter.

It’s end of year and we should slow down a bit, relax and be thankful about things that happened to us this year. At the same time we should let go, forgive others we hurt us.


We don’t have to be scared about making a choice in life. It totally depends on us. Our lives are moments and every second we breathe. At every moment we are picking and choosing. We shop, we choose, we eat again, we go choose. The judgment and indulgence is all ours. 

We have to be responsible for our actions. We can not just blame the world for our inactions loaded with thought leadership.