ImageMagick and mogrify. : My command line tool for watermarking.

One fine day i decided i want “watermark” on my photos too, i know am not a great photographer but just for sake i wanted one.

I am too lazy to do anything from GUI so i searched a bit and came to know about ImageMagic and mogrify.

I simply installed it on my ubuntu box :-

sudo apt-get install imagemagik

Once i had it installed i decided using same watermark for all my images which which were lying in my directory at Desktop with name “foto”

One of the photos before watermark


before watermark

I simply used the command :-

$ mogrify -font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf -pointsize 100 -verbose -draw "fill red text 24,75 '@koolhead17' " /home/atul/Desktop/foto/*.jpg
i am selecting a font, asking for verbose, drawing, filling it with red color text with mentioned size.
This is how it looks after watermark :-

 I would highly recommend any one who is lazy as i am to give a try to imagemagik.
More example and information on Imagemagik can be found at :