I heard about RabbitMq webUI from my friend Ritesh. I felt it will be helpful for anyone who wants to understand queue workflow playing with OpenStack. After reading found this for getting the same on Ubuntu 12.04.
Installing RabbitMQ Server
# apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Checking list of installed plugin.
# rabbitmq-plugins list
[ ] amqp_client 0.0.0
[ ] cowboy 0.5.0-rmq0.0.0-git4b93c2d
[ ] eldap 0.0.0-gite309de4
[ ] mochiweb 2.3.1-rmq0.0.0-gitd541e9a
[ ] rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_federation 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_federation_management 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_jsonrpc 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_jsonrpc_channel 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_jsonrpc_channel_examples 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_management 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_management_agent 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_management_visualiser 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_mochiweb 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_mqtt 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_old_federation 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_shovel 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_shovel_management 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_stomp 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_tracing 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_web_stomp 0.0.0
[ ] rabbitmq_web_stomp_examples 0.0.0
[ ] rfc4627_jsonrpc 0.0.0-git7ab174b
[ ] sockjs 0.3.4-rmq0.0.0-git3132eb9
[ ] webmachine 1.9.1-rmq0.0.0-git52e62bc
Enabling the webUI
# rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
The following plugins have been enabled:
Plugin configuration has changed. Restart RabbitMQ for changes to take effect.
root@openstack-lxc:~# service rabbitmq-server restart
* Restarting message broker rabbitmq-server [ OK ]
To check the webUI kindly visit the browser with http://localhost:15672
Incase you have not created any user yourself you have a user:password created already guest:guest
You should login with the creds & will see a shiny dashboard.
NOTE: If you are using version below
rabbitmq-server 2.7.1-0ubuntu4
Follow this instructions mentioned on stackoverflow
I am thinking about writing next after this so will add more RabbitMQ related blog soon 🙂