But we keep complaining !!

Its going to be a RANT, if you are interested please keep reading.

Found it in no litter zone at North Sikkim. Packed it & dropped it in a trash in Gangtok.
Found it in no litter zone at North Sikkim. Packed it & dropped it in a trash in Gangtok.

So every now and then i keep hearing, our government is not doing this, they are not doing that.

1. No water supply, this government is good for nothing.

Please ask yourself:

a. Your water tap is leaking but you have no time to get is fixed. That means you are wasting water. Can you fucking get it fixed.

b. Why every freaking day your tank goes on water overflow wasting many liters of water to drainage?

2. We don`t get 24/7 electricity, this government is waste

a. Ooh but are you paying the bills?

b. ooh and are you using electricity sensibly, do you close fans/lights when  its not needed.

3. Man see the city is so dirty.

a. Do you throw the garbage in bin?

b. Do you carry bags when you go out shopping or your dependent on polybag shopkeeper gives you.

Please ask yourself how we can fix the problems. I know our city & country is not perfect, but we can work together in making it better. 🙂