
I got lucky that someone trusted me, gave me the opportunity. I would not have reached this far in life without it. My mother was adamant seeing me go to Delhi for higher studies. Coming to Delhi, making great friends, and amazing teachers helped me to learn and grow.

As I grew in the profession, I got the opportunity to learn from my mistakes, pedigree, or ethnicity caused no harm.

I am less risk-averse and have allowed myself for more experiments. I am more open to working with the underdogs, experiment with life. My journey has made me think more about helping the underrepresented community and think in terms of gender diversity.

I feel society will progress ones the lens of caste, religion, pedigree gets thrown. We should start believing in our peers, youngsters, and give an assurance that I have got your back. It is okay to experiment, fail. Let us give all the backing and courage.