
Indians are not creative. They under-utilize the creative brain.

Are we Indians not creative. Or is it because we are a developing economy and we have to work harder than our counterparts from the developed world for end meets?

When our basic necessity is not with us, how will we think or be creative? When everyday challenges are about surviving. If it is about fulfilling parents’ and society’s checklist: buying a house, getting married, or pay a loan. Who will have time for creativity or using the left brain?

Raja Ravi Verma, Tagore, and many others had to least worry about money. Otherwise, we would have never gotten the best of theirs.

How many millions of Indians kill their creativity or underutilize our left brain because, in the end, we have to grind day in and out to stay afloat?

You have to take care of your basic needs before becoming a scholar, philosopher, painter, etc.