Grinding it out

I remember Karthik suggesting a dozen autobiographies last year and, Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, was one of them. Since I had seen the movie on Netflix, so skipped reading it. Last week I was bedridden due to cough/cold, that is when I picked up few books, this was one of them.

Ray Kroc is a legendary founder and, much has spoken about his sales magnetism. He started McDonald’s at the age of 52 when most prepare for retirement. But the preparation of building McDonald’s was on his cards long back. 

Finding the purpose in life is the root teachings of the most school of philosophy. It’s like magic that alters our life for good. That must have been the case with Ray Kroc. Even after giving up an active role, he was still contributing to the growth of McDonald’s.

In the book, he talks about everything from the love of his life to dozen odd jobs. He worked as a salesperson during the day and a piano player at night. Like every other successful entrepreneur, he attributed to luck, hard work, and confidence. 

Ray bought a football club, established a few medical research labs along with donating millions to charity. 

The franchise model, the knick of finding the right people for the job: A few key elements worked out best for building a billion-dollar empire.