Body on Fire

Last week I picked “Body on Fire: How Inflammation Triggers Chronic Illness and the Tools We Have to Fight It.” The title says it all. The book is written by practising doctors and gives good advice about our body and how it fights inflammation.

The book is a simple read, and anyone with knowledge of English can read and relate to it. It requires no medical science knowledge.

The book covers every aspect of our living and how it makes us sick. Be it what we eat to not doing enough exercise. The book mentions the benefits of enough sleep, vegetarian food, yoga, and meditation.

Not that most of us are not aware of most of these, the way the author has presented it by adding personal health issues makes it more relatable.

Post-COVID, I am in search of reading more about inflammation, Gut, and GNOME. This is the second read from the list of books I have bought.