
I will be turning 37 in a few weeks.
I have been struggling ass off with Krishna for over the five years in building Taghash.

We are finally somewhere in the journey of building our company.
The journey with limited resources can be challenging.
One of the few things that worked in our favor: was the people we worked with: the team, our mentors, and our customers.

There are books, blogs, and podcasts on the internet telling you how to run a successful startup. It comes down to you and your definition of success. You need to know what you don’t want and the options in hand.

We almost took five years to go out and market ourselves. We silently built products and sold them to customers by solving their pain. We made many friends and learned about life and business.

The company of people around made a lot of difference: quitting is the easiest thing in the entrepreneurial journey.

We have just begun and solved less than 10% pain of our customers.