We Indians are simple people. We are poor. We have aspirations to see offspring living a better life than ours. Our single goal becomes seeing our offspring succeed after their inception. My parents are no different. From early on, my sister was sent to boarding school because my mother was unsure of a better education …
Author Archives: Atul
Once you have lived enough or your job involves meeting humans, you subconsciously develop a pattern about people. In short, you start realizing what you don’t need in people. It can backfire at times but mostly keeps you sane. You will not waste your time in negotiation or making others happy. Our lives are lived …
AI and social media have taken noise to the next level. We are more focused on showing the world than on self-satisfaction. We want to become celebrities and have fans on all the mediums. In a recent report, YouTube discusses the money it distributed to content creators. It means a new generation instead of building, …
It was fun growing up, like waiting for the monsoon to go fishing and swimming and watching stars with naked eyes, asking for details about various constellations. These little things had their meaning and joy. During the summer holidays, wandering for hours at mango orchids and lychee bagaans. We had competitions on eating mangoes or …
We are living in an outrage era. The advancement of social media as a loudspeaker or moral check machine has resulted in redefining freedom of speech. I wonder if our progress and advancement have made us dumber. We are more mechanical and connected via apps than with heart.
We live in a time when all the media shows us about the pain the world is in. There is war, poverty, and diseases all around. We humans have no life left to live. It feels scary watching the news. The doomsday is near every minute. A good amount of the population afterward wastes time …
Last week, a friend got offended when I told him am preparing for my death. In short, are we all not heading towards it one or the other day? What is to be scared of? The ultimate truth of life is death. We are dying every single second, and as we age our body gets …
With age, another realization has hit me: people around you play a bigger role in your well-being. Imagine working with a hyper-political or toxic team. Your most time will get into saving your butt. The peace of mind will not have a place. You will be under constant anxiety, worry, and stress. It will affect …
As I grew old, I stopped complaining to others. As a result, life is less painful. I am no longer acting as a victim or blaming others for my failures. The sooner we take ownership of our life, the journey becomes easier. I am seeing educated folks of all ages torturing themselves and the people …
product 101
Building a product is not rocket science. It needs to eliminate customers’ pain points. I build software for the venture capital industry. Time and again, learning comes down to 4 things. I am myself learning, aiming to implement all the four above learnings.